Ergonomics is the science behind designing workplace environments to be as comfortable and safe for employees as possible. In other words, it focuses on making sure people can perform their job tasks efficiently without getting injured or sick from prolonged use of equipment that doesn’t suit them well. Many jobs today involve being stuck at a desk all day, and it’s easy to start feeling the negative effects of being in the same position all day long. You start to experience shoulder and back pain, your blood circulation slows down, and you find yourself experiencing fatigue quicker than you did before. Manufacturing workers are even more exposed to problems related to non-ergonomic environments because of their tasks that implied repetitive motions, awkward postures, and high-force exertions from tools and equipment used at work. Luckily, there are several ways that you can ensure your industrial environment is ergonomic and promotes productivity amongst employees with these five simple ways to design it!

1. Install Proper Lighting

Proper lighting will allow workers not only to see well what they are doing but will also impact productivity. In fact, employees will be more concentrated and less tired. It’s a small gesture that can have a huge impact on everyone. 

2. Assure Safe Movements  

Lifting and transporting materials can be risky when manufacturers don’t take precautions. The environment should be conceived in a way that allows lifting assistance and transportation devices such as carts, conveyors, and automated guided vehicles to work.

3. Rethink Tool Placement

Better tool placement will help people stay healthy and even increase productivity. For example, tools that are seldom used may be better stored at a distance from worker stations where they’re not regularly needed; keeping them out of arm’s reach makes it easier to avoid unnecessary strain on joints when moving around them. It also helps if there is enough room around the station so that workers don’t need to bend down or stretch up too much while working. And though knee pads may seem like luxury items rather than safety equipment (since they’re often only given out when workers request them), they do make squats less stressful on joints over time!

4. Change the Work Surface and Tables Heights

Unnatural positions for the human body can lead to stress and injuries related to muscles and other soft tissues. Better work surfaces and workstation heights all help people perform their tasks. To accommodate them, you can easily put adjustable chairs, desks, and tables. For employees who have to stand for a long time, anti-fatigue floor mats can be really useful. 

5. Keep the Space Clean

Finally, keeping your environment clean can have a lot of positive repercussions:

  • First, it can help employees to focus. Working in a clean environment makes people happier, more creative, and more efficient. 
  • Second, organized shelves make it easier to manage inventory. It’s important to clean regularly so the task will not seem overwhelming. 
  • Third, by cleaning your machines and tools regularly, they will last longer which can save the company a lot of money.
  • Fourth, clients or partners visiting the place will have a positive image of your company and trust you more since the first impression matters a lot.
  • Finally, it inevitably reduces the risks of accidents since there are fewer opportunities to slip on something.

By following these 5 ways to create an ergonomic industrial environment, your employees will be grateful and happier which is essential if we want to keep them, especially in labor shortage times.